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Sondage modal centrée avec choix d'afficher ou pas les résultats

Bonjour Jean-Noël, Les sondages actuels s’affichent par dessus l’encart de chat ce qui le masque totalement. Nous souhaitons avoir l’affichage des sondages en popup (modal) centré sur l’encart de la vidéo. De plus nous souhaitons avoir le choix d’afficher ou non les résultats des sondages dans cette même popup aux personnes y ayant répondu. Je suis preneur de toutes informations pouvant m'aider à son développement ne se trouvant pas dans la documentation.

Can I find the status of emails sent to a participant in the API?

Hi there, I would like to track the status of emails sent to participants of an event (especially for an email sent after a session), but I can't find any information related to the emails, for example in the session details ( Is this kind of data available somewhere via the API? Thanks a lot for your help Grégoire

When is people.attended triggered ?

Hello ! I have a question regarding the people.attended webhook event, which seems to be triggered right after a session starts. I don't understand how this event can return a payload with the attendance_rate info when the session only started? Thank you in advance for your help

Ajouter une personne à une session

Bonjour, Dès lors que je tente d'ajouter une personne, j'ai l'erreur suivante : [title] => Missing Parameter [detail] => The required parameter, data, is missing. [code] => 106 [status] => 400 Voici les données envoyées : {"data":{"type":"people","attributes":{"fields":[{"id":"first_name","value":"John"},{"id":"last_name","value":"Doe"},{"id":"email","value":"[email protected]"}],"referrer":"","utm_source":"","utm_medium":"","utm_term":"","utm_content":"","utm_campaign":""}}}

Webhook event people.registered response discrepancy

Hi ! We are currently using the people.registered event to trigger a webhook from our app. But it seems that the response we get from this event is different from what is specified in your documentation ( Did I miss something? Here is an example of the response we get from the event : ```json { "attendee": { "avatar_link": null, "browser_name": "Samsung Browser", "browser_version": "18.0", "connection_link": "", "created_at": "2022-09-05T11:10:05.041Z", "email": "", "fields": {}, "first_name": "xxx", "identify": "1xxx", "ip_city": "xxx", "ip_country_code": "FR", "ip_country_name": "France", "last_name": "Prat", "os_name": "Android", "os_version": "12", "password_key": "xxx", "referrer": null, "screen_height": "854", "screen_width": "384", "utm_campaign": null, "utm_content": null, "utm_medium": null, "utm_source": null, "utm_term": null }, "calendar_event": { "attendee": { "avatar_link": null, "browser_name": "Samsung Browser", "browser_version": "18.0", "connection_link": "", "created_at": "2022-09-05T11:10:05.041Z", "email": "[email protected]", "fields": {}, "first_name": "xxx", "identify": "xxx", "ip_city": "xxx", "ip_country_code": "FR", "ip_country_name": "France", "last_name": "Prat", "os_name": "Android", "os_version": "12", "password_key": "xxx", "referrer": null, "screen_height": "854", "screen_width": "384", "utm_campaign": null, "utm_content": null, "utm_medium": null, "utm_source": null, "utm_term": null }, "webinar": { "created_at": "2021-11-29T09:28:08.819Z", "estimated_duration": 4500, "estimated_started_at": "2021-12-07T13:30:00.000Z", "identify": "xxx", "nb_registered": 660, "published_at": "2021-11-29T09:40:38.692Z", "registration_link": "", "room_link": "", "slug": "developper-sa-notoriete-sur-instagram-et-les-reseaux-sociaux", "title": "développer sa notoriété sur Instagram et les réseaux sociaux" } } } ```

How can i update automation settings for event.

I wanted to setup automation settings for the event like end event after specific time from API , how can we do this?

The livestorm conf file is missing

Bonjour, J'ai une erreur dans le SDK : \livestorm>livestorm watch test Will publish to test, waiting for file change... Updating plugin . The livestorm conf file is missing. Pouvez-vous m'aider svp ? Cordialement, Olivier


I am using the people sessions endpoint with the following template url:{sessionid}/people?page%5Bnumber%5D=2&page%5Bsize%5D=100 I am receiving the error response "title":"Invalid page value", "detail":"2 is not a valid value for number page parameter.", "code":"118", "status":"400" If I use page 1, the response works fine but if I change it to 2, it fails. If I send page 2 surrounded in quotes, it returns page 1. I am using a PHP endpoint created by concatenating the initial endpoint string up to people, adding a question mark and concatenating http_build_query(array) to the end $endpoint = $endpoint . http_build_query($this->queryString); Please can you let me know what query string is expected as I am getting the same response on the docs page by filling in 100 for size and 2 for number


Bonjour, Nous sommes en train de connecter votre API a nos plateformes Apres plusieurs tests, nous témoignons que nous n'avons pas la notification mise a jour sur la vue des REPLAY lorsque qu'un client s'est inscrit APRES que le webinaire ait eu lieu Mais lorsque qu'un client s'inscrit AVANT que le webinaire ait lieu alors nous avons les 2 information Presence et Replay. Existe-t-il un moyen? Yossef Bentsion

How can I get list of speakers without pagination?

I'm trying get all speakers with endpoint `{session-id}/people`. And I do a lot of pagination requests to filter persons on `"is_highlighted": false` and `"is_guest_speaker": false`.