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Webhook event people.registered response discrepancy

Hi !

We are currently using the people.registered event to trigger a webhook from our app.
But it seems that the response we get from this event is different from what is specified in your documentation (
Did I miss something?
Here is an example of the response we get from the event :

  "attendee": {
  "avatar_link": null,
  "browser_name": "Samsung Browser",
  "browser_version": "18.0",
  "connection_link": "",
  "created_at": "2022-09-05T11:10:05.041Z",
  "email": "",
  "fields": {},
  "first_name": "xxx",
  "identify": "1xxx",
  "ip_city": "xxx",
  "ip_country_code": "FR",
  "ip_country_name": "France",
  "last_name": "Prat",
  "os_name": "Android",
  "os_version": "12",
  "password_key": "xxx",
  "referrer": null,
  "screen_height": "854",
  "screen_width": "384",
  "utm_campaign": null,
  "utm_content": null,
  "utm_medium": null,
  "utm_source": null,
  "utm_term": null
  "calendar_event": {
    "attendee": {
      "avatar_link": null,
      "browser_name": "Samsung Browser",
      "browser_version": "18.0",
      "connection_link": "",
      "created_at": "2022-09-05T11:10:05.041Z",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "fields": {},
      "first_name": "xxx",
      "identify": "xxx",
      "ip_city": "xxx",
      "ip_country_code": "FR",
      "ip_country_name": "France",
      "last_name": "Prat",
      "os_name": "Android",
      "os_version": "12",
      "password_key": "xxx",
      "referrer": null,
      "screen_height": "854",
      "screen_width": "384",
      "utm_campaign": null,
      "utm_content": null,
      "utm_medium": null,
      "utm_source": null,
      "utm_term": null
    "webinar": {
      "created_at": "2021-11-29T09:28:08.819Z",
      "estimated_duration": 4500,
      "estimated_started_at": "2021-12-07T13:30:00.000Z",
      "identify": "xxx",
      "nb_registered": 660,
      "published_at": "2021-11-29T09:40:38.692Z",
      "registration_link": "",
      "room_link": "",
      "slug": "developper-sa-notoriete-sur-instagram-et-les-reseaux-sociaux",
      "title": "développer sa notoriété sur Instagram et les réseaux sociaux"