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Error 500

Hi I try to get the list of my events here : <> I use my api token. The connexion test returns 200. But the get_events returns 500 ... Same inside my php code. This code have been working form many years now, so I don't understand what's hapening now.

Can we get the list of "Blocked" users ?

Hi ! As a pharmaceutical laboratory, we have many regulatory constraints. For example, we have to check that people accessing our webinars are in fact entitled to the veterinary drug, i.e. veterinarians registered with the Order. We carry out a manual check, then block access to those who don't have the rights (via the "exclude" function in Livestorm). Via API, can you tell us how to retrieve the list of blocked persons? Attribute in "people attribute"? Thanks by advance

get custom registrant field with the api

hello, i have add a "company name" filed on my registration form but i cant see this fied with webhook (trying to connect livestorm & pipedrive with make...) cyril

Owner_id value for event creation

I have a question regarding the API request parameters. I need to create event in livestorm using API. When I make a request through the API, I receive the following response: {"errors":\[{"title":"Missing Parameter","detail":"The required parameter, owner_id, is missing.","code":"106","status":" message Could you please provide guidance on where I can obtain the **owner_id** parameter?

Event category/topic

Hello, is there a way to assign a category to an event? This would allow use to sort our events by topic. Many thanks Fabienne

plugin not available in chatroom after being deployed

hey everyone, I am following the steps exactly as mentioned in the plugin tutorial <> Trying to build "embed-site-via-chat" example from this repo <> The plugin builds and publishes to production alright, but its not available in webinar chat window at all. When typing "/url" in the chatbox it shows "no commands available". Please advise if there are any workarounds. Thanks ![screenshot](

The email is invalid. It seems undeliverable

hi I need some help with my email,I use to have no problem registering for a webinar,now it won’t let me,it keeps say this ,the email is invalid and It seems undeliverable. I been going through ,the health sciences This is my primary email I been using for 9 years, [email protected] Thank you for your help,Harry

How many Guest Speakers can be added per session?

Greetings, are there any limitations to how many guest speakers can be added to a session?


Bonjour, Nous sommes en train de connecter votre API a nos plateformes Apres plusieurs tests, nous témoignons que nous n'avons pas la notification mise a jour sur la vue des REPLAY lorsque qu'un client s'est inscrit APRES que le webinaire ait eu lieu Mais lorsque qu'un client s'inscrit AVANT que le webinaire ait lieu alors nous avons les 2 information Presence et Replay. Existe-t-il un moyen? Yossef Bentsion

How to connect

How to connect clients to an event automatically ? is there an endpoint for that ?