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Limit on 'people' list

Hi, we got some trouble using the Livestorm API. When we try to retrieve all the users registered for a session we only get the last 20 registered. Used routes : [GET]${id}/people Am I missing something ? Is this a normal use case ? Thank you for your time, Best regards

How to add moderators and guest speakers to a session

Hi dev team, I am trying to register a guest speaker and team_member for a session using this api I am using ruby on rails i've tried { type: 'people', attributes: { fields: [ { id: 'email', value: }, { id: 'is_guest_speaker', value: true}, { id: 'role', value: 'team_member'} ], }, which gives me an error {"errors"=>[{"title"=>"Unknown Field", "detail"=>"The field 'is_guest_speaker' doesn't exist for the event associated with a0237276-ff97-417f-8ffc-84b172f3e853 session.", "code"=>"422", "status"=>"unprocessable_entity"}, {"title"=>"Unknown Field", "detail"=>"The field 'role' doesn't exist for the event associated with a0237276-ff97-417f-8ffc-84b172f3e853 session.", "code"=>"422", "status"=>"unprocessable_entity"}} I also tried { type: 'people', attributes: { role: 'team_member', (i switch this to 'participant' and 'is_guest_speaker: true if i want to add guest speaker) fields: [ { id: 'email', value: } ], }, is_guest_speaker: false } which doesnt give me an error but also doesnt do what I expect it to do. I notice there is a different API to create moderators and guest speakers. How do I tell the session to register these users as well

The email is invalid. It seems undeliverable.

Hello, When registering for a event, with email address I am getting this error. "The email is invalid. It seems undeliverable." What are the requirements for email as this is a primary email with custom domain? Many thanks, Dee

When is people.attended triggered ?

Hello ! I have a question regarding the people.attended webhook event, which seems to be triggered right after a session starts. I don't understand how this event can return a payload with the attendance_rate info when the session only started? Thank you in advance for your help

How to get person job post field?

In admin panel there is a "job title" field. How to get this field via API?

How can I get list of speakers without pagination?

I'm trying get all speakers with endpoint `{session-id}/people`. And I do a lot of pagination requests to filter persons on `"is_highlighted": false` and `"is_guest_speaker": false`.

Configure Headers for Webhook request being sent

Hi I have configured Webhook to send a notification my one of my mockserver when an event ends. It is working perfectly fine. However for it work with the integration platform it requires couple of headers for authentication. I am not able to figure out where to configure header information for the request being sent from Livestorm to our integration platform. As the integration platform will reject the message if it does not contain client_id and client_secret in its header. Please see below for the default headers received when used mockserver x-forwarded-for: "xxxxxxxxx" x-forwarded-proto: "xxxxxxxxx" x-forwarded-port: "xxxxxxxxx" host: "" x-amzn-trace-id: "Root=1-636b3254-09f4808e239a39915ade73c2" content-length: "91186" content-type: "application/json" user-agent: "Faraday v1.0.1" accept-encoding: "gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3" accept: "*/*" x-datadog-trace-id: "1931447145563837" x-datadog-parent-id: "214714226957904" x-datadog-sampling-priority: "0"

Webhook event people.registered response discrepancy

Hi ! We are currently using the people.registered event to trigger a webhook from our app. But it seems that the response we get from this event is different from what is specified in your documentation ( Did I miss something? Here is an example of the response we get from the event : ```json { "attendee": { "avatar_link": null, "browser_name": "Samsung Browser", "browser_version": "18.0", "connection_link": "", "created_at": "2022-09-05T11:10:05.041Z", "email": "", "fields": {}, "first_name": "xxx", "identify": "1xxx", "ip_city": "xxx", "ip_country_code": "FR", "ip_country_name": "France", "last_name": "Prat", "os_name": "Android", "os_version": "12", "password_key": "xxx", "referrer": null, "screen_height": "854", "screen_width": "384", "utm_campaign": null, "utm_content": null, "utm_medium": null, "utm_source": null, "utm_term": null }, "calendar_event": { "attendee": { "avatar_link": null, "browser_name": "Samsung Browser", "browser_version": "18.0", "connection_link": "", "created_at": "2022-09-05T11:10:05.041Z", "email": "[email protected]", "fields": {}, "first_name": "xxx", "identify": "xxx", "ip_city": "xxx", "ip_country_code": "FR", "ip_country_name": "France", "last_name": "Prat", "os_name": "Android", "os_version": "12", "password_key": "xxx", "referrer": null, "screen_height": "854", "screen_width": "384", "utm_campaign": null, "utm_content": null, "utm_medium": null, "utm_source": null, "utm_term": null }, "webinar": { "created_at": "2021-11-29T09:28:08.819Z", "estimated_duration": 4500, "estimated_started_at": "2021-12-07T13:30:00.000Z", "identify": "xxx", "nb_registered": 660, "published_at": "2021-11-29T09:40:38.692Z", "registration_link": "", "room_link": "", "slug": "developper-sa-notoriete-sur-instagram-et-les-reseaux-sociaux", "title": "développer sa notoriété sur Instagram et les réseaux sociaux" } } } ```

Ajouter une personne à une session

Bonjour, Dès lors que je tente d'ajouter une personne, j'ai l'erreur suivante : [title] => Missing Parameter [detail] => The required parameter, data, is missing. [code] => 106 [status] => 400 Voici les données envoyées : {"data":{"type":"people","attributes":{"fields":[{"id":"first_name","value":"John"},{"id":"last_name","value":"Doe"},{"id":"email","value":"[email protected]"}],"referrer":"","utm_source":"","utm_medium":"","utm_term":"","utm_content":"","utm_campaign":""}}}


I am using the people sessions endpoint with the following template url:{sessionid}/people?page%5Bnumber%5D=2&page%5Bsize%5D=100 I am receiving the error response "title":"Invalid page value", "detail":"2 is not a valid value for number page parameter.", "code":"118", "status":"400" If I use page 1, the response works fine but if I change it to 2, it fails. If I send page 2 surrounded in quotes, it returns page 1. I am using a PHP endpoint created by concatenating the initial endpoint string up to people, adding a question mark and concatenating http_build_query(array) to the end $endpoint = $endpoint . http_build_query($this->queryString); Please can you let me know what query string is expected as I am getting the same response on the docs page by filling in 100 for size and 2 for number