
New Rate Limit Headers for 429 Errors

Hi! Just some quick news about something that has been released today for the API.

As many API customers requested, we just released new headers in case you receive an HTTP 429 error response (rate limit reached). This should help you understand how to manage the situation when it occurs, by taking a look at the following new headers:

  • RateLimit-Limit: Your monthly limit, e.g the maximum number of API calls allowed per month.
  • RateLimit-Remaining: The total remaining API calls allowed for the current month.
  • Retry-After: The number of seconds before the next time-frame where you'll be able to retry your API call.
  • RateLimit-Reset: The timestamp of the next monthly period from which your API rate calls will be reset.

Here's an example of what it will look like in Postman:


Want to know more about rate limits? Take a look at our dedicated section about it.

Happy coding!